i just had to post these pics of emily. she was so relaxed and easy to photograph! have a great senior year, emily!
September 22, 2008
i was lucky enough to be sent to hawaii for a wedding this summer through working with powers studios. wow. that was such an honor. here's some of my days off on oahu!
talk about photogenic, jackson was so cute in this photo shoot, i just couldn't stop taking pictures of his blond curls and rosy cheeks. at one point, he picked a green pepper from their garden and just took a bite of it. i thought for sure he would hate it and make a gross face or cry, which i was poised to capture. But he likes them and just kept eating it like and apple!
missy and justin, you have a beautiful boy and i look forward to taking lots more pictures of your family in the years to come. :)
i'm a born and raised oregonian and besides my camera, i love frisbee, kids, coffee and day dreaming about the next stamp on my passport.
i hope you enjoy my work.
i am so lucky to have a job where i can be creative and work with warm people everyday. i take great pride in my work and know that you will be fully satisfied with your photos. my complete wedding and portrait portfolios can be viewed on my website. please don't hesitate to email me with any questions.