January 15, 2009

fun family portraits

i haven't blogged in tooo long so here's  a glimpse of my latest portrait session with the most adorable family. ethan, their 2 year old, really liked my red stool prop but didn't particularly like sitting on it.  when i would talk to him, getting him to smile for me, he would giggle for 2 seconds and then race to hug my leg!  oh my it was adorable!  austin, his new brother, is only 1 week old in these shots. welcome to our world, little man!



promotional materials... i made them myself a few months ago and have been meaning to blog them.
it is really a challenge to pick a handful of images to represent yourself, your image and talent and art.  it took me many cups of coffee.  they could have turned out differently and still been beautiful.  but i really like them.   :)

christmas cd cover

in the spirit of less consumerism and waste and more art and family fun, the curran's gave a mixed cd as part of their christmas gifts out to friends and family this year.  here's their pick for the cover after a tween siblings photo shoot.